The CNET Infosystem and Veribo Investigation
Trump: US military 'locked and loaded'
The Bell Pottinger Investigation
"Radical Positive Transformation"
South African’s united against corruption and state capture
It's official - we are in a recession now
Mounting evidence pointing to life on Mars
Hawaiian radio operator loud and clear on 11 m Band
Zuma more conceited and defiant than ever - advice from one person to another
We will miss you dearly Pravin
"New" Rules of the Road yet to be published?
Dropped the old dynamic Blog, gone static HTML only
Preoccupation with mobile phones (what's up with that)?
An Awesome Drakensberg Mountain Getaway
Appreciation to the Afrihost Support Team
Orange orbs and gigantic crescent shape object seen over The Reeds, Centurion, South Africa
Dance Club Music Remixes using Mixcraft by Acoustica
ItaloBrothers and the 90's connection?
Over-sized rims and stretched tyres
Karol Madera VE7KFM or better known as Radio Canada is back in full force
Welcome to the RaptorZone Blog
Jean Ward on "It could be the end of Bell Pottinger"
Jean Ward on Inside the Bell Pottinger Fake News Propaganda Machine
Jean Ward on BBC World Service: Focus on Africa: Duduzane Zuma interview
Jean Ward on Eskom owes us big electricity tariff reductions
Jean Ward on CNET Infosystem another Zupta PR Firm revealed
Jean Ward on "Radical Positive Transformation" progress update
Jean Ward on Probe into Bell Pottinger underway
Jean Ward on Good-bye trusted buddy
Jean Ward on Mars Opportunity rover finds mysterious doughnut-shaped rock
Jean Ward on Zuma addresses only receptive crowds
Jean Ward on Zuma and Mugabe – New Comedians from the South
Jean Ward on Zuma tries to legitimise his fake "intelligence report"
Jean Ward on Orange orbs (enhanced using PhotoZoom Pro 7)
Jean Ward on Zuma continues to harm South Africa and its people
Jean Ward on We are not "junk" people
Jean Ward on South Africa thrown to the dogs
Jean Ward on Karol Madera VE7KFM claims Brian Crow K3VR is back and is impersonating Donald Edward Anderson KI1QZX N4TAT
Jean Ward on Trying to give up a Social Media addition?
The CNET Infosystem and Veribo Investigation
Trump: US military 'locked and loaded'
The Bell Pottinger Investigation
"Radical Positive Transformation"
South African’s united against corruption and state capture
It's official - we are in a recession now
Hawaiian radio operator loud and clear on 11 m Band
Zuma more conceited and defiant than ever - advice from one person to another
We will miss you dearly Pravin
Dropped the old dynamic Blog, gone static HTML only
Orange orbs and gigantic crescent shape object seen over The Reeds, Centurion, South Africa
Karol Madera VE7KFM or better known as Radio Canada is back in full force
Here I'll share some of my ideas, thoughts, opinions, reviews and interesting news.
My like's include photography, website development, 80's and 90's music, watching sci-fi movies, TV series and documentaries.
RaptorZone: Webmaster, System Administrator, Website Developer and Owner.
More about me here.
POSTED ON 2017-09-26 (UPDATED ON 2017-12-01)
At the centre of state capture, fraud, bribery, corruption and unethical business practices in SA is the Gupta brothers who became SA citizen’s in a highly controversial, possibly illegal manner.
They have been implicated with the following companies: Rentokil/BAE systems, ZPMC, JJ Trading (JJT), CAJ News, Linkway Trading, Veribo (a PR firm based in Tel Aviv), Bell Pottinger (a PR firm based in the UK), CNET Infosystem (a PR firm based in India), Export Development Canada (EDC), Software AG, ABB, EOH, SAP, CAD House, Denel, KPMG, McKinsey, Transnet, Liebherr-International AG, Shanghai Zhenhua, Bank of Baroda, State Bank of India, Prasa, Swifambo Rail Leasing, VR Laser Asia, Poly Technologies (possibly), Cricket South Africa (possibly), Eskom and Trillian. These are just the companies we know about presently.
PR companies, Bell Pottinger, CNET Infosystem and Veribo have been instrumental in driving the Gupta narrative and agenda. Bell Pottinger has since closed down. On 21 August 2017 I provided information about CNET Infosystem and Veribo to the DA’s national spokesperson, Phumzile van Damme who is currently following up on the role of the two additional PR firms and their activities in South Africa.
As a result of the Gupta’s and the Zuma’s the country has been reduced to junk status and is in recession. Fortunately Advocate and Prosecutor Gerrie "Bulldog" Nel of AfriForum will take on state capture if NPA won't act. In a statement he said: "he won't allow the controversial Gupta family and President Jacob Zuma to get off with state capture scot-free." He has given the NPA three months to take action.
Watch this space, it’s sure to get interesting in the next month or so.
POSTED ON 2017-08-22 (UPDATED ON 2017-09-11)
Following some outstanding investigative efforts by journalists, IT specialists and the #GuptaLeaks two further PR firms with links to the Zupta’s have recently been uncovered, namely CNET Infosystem based in India and Veribo based in Israel.
The DA’s national spokesperson, Phumzile van Damme is currently following up on the role of the two additional PR firms and their activities in South Africa. This following a tweet from me last night (21 August 2017) in which I initially asked her if she was aware of the two PR firms, with links to the Zupta’s, and whether the DA was also investigating them as they did with Bell Pottinger.
She asked me to provide her with further information which I subsequently supplied via Twitter.
Twitter Timeline
I trust that there will be adequate evidence in the numerous articles/reports she now has to warrant an investigation and perhaps legal recourse. Let’s wait and see what emerges in the near future.
Veribo, with an office conveniently located in London, was hired by Bell Pottinger to assist with their former Gupta clients. It is alleged that they helped in the creation of the infamous Zupta bots on Twitter. The bots, which repeated tweets, defended the Guptas and attacked journalists.
Veribo, a PR firm located in Tel Aviv (hired by Bell Pottinger to do work on Zupta campaign)
Veribo’s CEO, Ran Blayer denied that his firm helped to create these bots and insists that they only uploaded content and used publishing tools such as online Pro-Oakbay ads which “shared positive information” which over time assists in improving search engine results. The ads provided links to positive information about the Guptas and their South African businesses.
Blayer has said that his company regrets ever doing work for the Guptas, this after finding out more about their client and what has been “going on in South Africa.”
Veribo also has an interesting past, with apparent ties to the Israeli Defence Force (IDF), where members received training in hacking, intelligence gathering, etc.
Veribo may have some revealing information about Bell Pottingers South African Zupta PR campaign.
CNET Infosystem
CNET Infosystem is a PR firm with links to several disinformation websites that promote the "white monopoly capital" (WMC) narrative. The articles, which are poorly written, are made to appear as if they are written by South Africans.
Kapil Garg, CNET Infosystem chief executive and co-founder (apparently created fake news sites for the Zupta campaign)
Although evidence points to links, the Guptas have denied any relationship with the firm and CEO, Kapil Garg.
POSTED ON 2017-08-11 (UPDATED ON 2017-12-11)
I believe we should keep an eye on this extremely worrying, developing situation between the US and North Korea (and then there is the threat of possible US military action in Venezuela).
Our problems with the Zupta's will be of no importance should a nuclear WWIII break out in Asia. Not only will thousands of lives be lost, but the world economy will probably nose dive too.
In all likelihood the US military will use its B-1 bombers, which are currently standing by and awaiting go ahead from Trump, and/or a combination of low yield tactical nuclear weapons to take out North Korea's nuke installations and more conventional missiles to take out artillery positions on the border between North and South Korea.
With everything going exponentially wrong in the world today it feels like we a living in the end-times.
My opinion: I believe US military action is inevitable; usually pre-emptive strikes follow the issuing of warnings. Let's see what North Korea does when US drills with South Korea commence. As it stands, North Korea has given the US a clear choice: "restraint or missile launches."
President Donald Trump further escalating his rhetorical standoff with North Korea
North Korea's plan to fire missiles at Guam
North Korean Missiles and Ranges
POSTED ON 2017-08-07 (UPDATED ON 2017-12-11)
Today, 08 August 2017, marks the day in our history when our democracy broke down:
Despite the overwhelming evidence against him, Zuma survived yet another vote of no confidence. This in favour of corruption, fraud and state capture. What is really worrying is that perpetrator's of these offences will now feel vindicated and the situation is going to get worse.
What happened to our demands as civil society, we ultimately pay their salaries? They work for us!
Gordhan did warn that the "don't care attitude" has allowed leaders to act with impunity, here is a clear example of this. For those that did vote for the people of SA, thank you ... the tide is turning.
Zuma, addressing crowds afterwards bragged about how powerful his party is and that it cannot be defeated. He also thanked all those that support him, i.e. all those that support corruption and fraud. The vote was not for regime change, but against you Zuma.
Zuma celebrating corruption and state-capture together with his supporters following the failed vote of no confidence
Well, at least an effort was made to try and steer us away from a ruined state, a banana republic. The Zupta's are laughing at us! This is shameful ... Frankly I'm totally shocked, embarrassed and hurt.
There was a glimmer of hope for our country's democracy following Baleka Mbete granting a secret ballot for the debate on a motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma.
This was a positive development; however many members of parliament put the people of South Africa last.
Perhaps now it's time for a private prosecution?
Zuma is not off the hook yet, he must still face impeachment proceedings in the Constitutional Court on September 5 and we are waiting to hear outcomes of the Supreme Court of Appeal on Zuma’s 783 charges on September 15.
Advocate and Prosecutor Gerrie "Bulldog" Nel
My take on White Monopoly Capital (WMC):
Thabo Mbeki, in an interview with Power FM's Given Mkhari, cautioned against the use of the term White Monopoly Capital.
White Monopoly Capital will exist for example if only white people had money in bank accounts, but that's not the case, people of all races have money in bank accounts.
Companies with capital are reluctant to spend it on expansion for example, which in turn would result in additional job's, but because of the current unstable socio-economic and political landscape they hold on to it. So until SA sorts out its political woes we will be stuck with little growth and escalating unempolyment.
Some funny moments to remember:
On a lighter note, here are some video clips that I found amusing.
BBC World Service: Focus on Africa: Duduzane Zuma interview
Today the BBC World Service interviewed Duduzane Zuma in their Focus on Africa programme.
Take a listen; professional coaching at play? Zuma’s answers and reactions seem too perfect and most likely were rehearsed.
BBC World Service: Focus on Africa: Duduzane Zuma Interview
Original source:
POSTED ON 2017-08-03 (UPDATED ON 2017-09-26)
James Henderson, Bell Pottinger CEO interview on BBC Radio 4:
Following is the complete four part radio programme aired on BBC Radio 4 from 01 to 04 August 2017.
Included in Part 1, an interview with Lord Bell, in which he elaborates about his impressions around the Gupta's and the PR campaign as well as an interview with James Henderson, Bell Pottinger CEO.
In Part 3 we here Atul Gupta and in Part 4 Lord Bell and James Herderson.
BBC Radio 4: World At One: James Henderson, Bell Pottinger CEO Interview
The British PR firm’s role in South African politics - Part 1
Original source:
BBC Radio 4: World At One: James Henderson, Bell Pottinger CEO Interview
The British PR firm’s role in South African politics - Part 2
Original source:
BBC Radio 4: World At One: Atul Gupta Interview
The British PR firm’s role in South African politics - Part 3
Original source:
BBC Radio 4: World At One: Lord Bell, James Henderson Interview
The British PR firm’s role in South African politics - Part 4
Original source:
My take: The DA and various civil society groups have demanded Bell Pottinger pay back the money they made from the Gupta campaign. James Henderson's comment that it's not about paying back the money, but about the money they have lost is worrying. They are pleading poverty and I don't think we will get back a cent from the PR firm. They also recon they underestimated just how sensitive political issues in SA are. James, it does not matter, you interfered in our countries affairs and you need to undo the harm you have caused and you need to pay back the money. Your company’s reputation is ruined and you need to act now.
About Bell Pottinger and what they did (funny and informative):
First there was Bell Pottinger (located in the UK), then came CNET Infosystem (located in India) now Veribo (located in Tel Aviv), another PR Firm linked to the Zupta's and Bell Pottinger.
Veribo, a PR firm located in Tel Aviv (hired by Bell Pottinger to do work on Zupta campaign)
eNCA correspondent Natalie Powell on PRCA's Bell Pottinger decision (2017-08-24):
The news that the PRCA is upholding the DA's complaint against Bell Pottinger is very heart-warming. It's reassuring to know that the wheels of justice still grind away.
Bell Pottinger we still demand a full account of what you did for the Zupta's, i.e. a detailed report as well as all the money earned to be returned to the people of South Africa.
Related news can be found here.
Inside the Bell Pottinger Fake News Propaganda Machine
The Times together with the African Network of Centres for Investigative Reporting (ANCIR) has compiled a report which reveals the size and scope of the UK PR firm Bell Pottinger’s role in the construction of the Gupta propaganda campaign to hide the family’s enrichment at the expense of South African citizens and taxpayers.
The propaganda campaign is the first large-scale fake news propaganda war in South Africa and it has adversely affected the country’s politics and economy.
Following a complaint by the Democratic Alliance (DA, the Public Relations and Communication Association (PRCA) in the UK has investigated the matter and a final decision on Bell Pottinger’s future will be made on Tuesday, 5 September 2017.
In the meantime, Bell Pottinger CEO and major shareholder James Henderson resigned over the weekend. He had promised the Democratic Alliance (DA) a full report detailing their role in the Gupta propaganda campaign by the end of August 2017, however has failed to do so.
Inside the #GuptaFakeNewsEmpire
Following are six articles produced by The Times together with the African Network of Centres for Investigative Reporting (ANCIR):
"It could be the end of Bell Pottinger"
Last night Bruce Whitfield, Talk Radio 702, interviewed the former Chairperson at Bell Pottinger Lord Tim Bell and the DA’s Phumzile van Damme following the PRCA's sanction to terminate Bell Pottinger's membership to the association for a minimum of five years to get their take on the latest development (original audio quality poor).
Also, three video clips covering the implications of and the fallout of PRCA's ruling as well as Bell Pottinger's future prospects.
Talk Radio 702: The Money Show: Lord Timothy Bell and DA’s Phumzile van Damme Interview
"It could be the end of Bell Pottinger"
Original source:
Lord Timothy Bell's own PR disaster (cell phone rings twice on-set)
The implications of the PRCA ruling
The fall-out following the PRCA’s ruling and Bell Pottinger's future
POSTED ON 2017-07-07 (UPDATED ON 2017-08-09)
Yesterday, Bell Pottinger Chief Executive James Henderson apologised for the harm their company did to us South African's through their dealings with the Gupta family and Oakbay Investments: “We have good, decent people who will be as angered by what has been discovered as we are. We wish to issue a full, unequivocal and absolute apology to anyone impacted. These activities should never have been undertaken. We are deeply sorry that this happened.”
“... unequivocal and absolute apology to anyone impacted,” James, just to get it right, EVERYONE in SA has been impacted. Your apology is a good start but it’s not good enough. Your company’s interference in our affairs has left a deep scar in our lives; terms like “White Monopoly Capital” and “Radical Economic Transformation” have led to hatred and deep divisions in our society. Also, the fraud and corruption associated with your interference has severely impacted our economy; with Junk Status, recession and record high unemployment we are all suffering financially. Just an apology does not undo any of this.
For us to take your apology seriously we demand the following, as a PR firm I'm sure you understand why:
I believe the evil, manipulative Victoria Geoghegan and three of her colleagues have been fired. My concern with the firing of Geoghegan and her team is that they will not be charged for their actions and won’t be brought to book.
This crucial break-through by the DA proves that the recent leaked Gupta e-mails are legitimate and even the defiant Zupta's can’t brush them off as fake or manufactured any longer. Hopefully this is the start of many more revelations into details and names of people associated with State Capture, etc.
The next steps will be:
Well done team DA, keep up the pressure and good work!
This break-through by the DA is, what I like to call, the dawn of “Radical Positive Transformation.”
Friday 14 July 2017, DA Abroad and UK-based South Africans picket outside PR agency, Bell Pottinger, London
Keep up to date with all of the latest Bell Pottinger news here: Articles relating to Bell Pottinger |
Molefe, Zuma and Gupta - The Bell Pottinger Effect!
Here is my e-mail I sent to James Henderson, Chief Executive on 7 July 2017:
Subject: Apology to citizens of SA (follow up)
From: Jean Ward (e-mail address removed)
Reply-To: Jean Ward (e-mail address removed)
Date: 2017-07-07 04:16 PM
Good afternoon,
This e-mail is addressed to Mr. James Henderson, Chief Executive:
Thank you for your recent apology, however for us to take the apology seriously we demand the following, as leader of a PR firm I'm sure you understand why:
The BLF again today threatened to kill white people, including some black people, even after the court ruled that they desist in their rhetoric!
Thank you
Jean Ward
A concerned SA Citizen
Multi-media archive:
Bell Pottinger apparently commissioned the production of the video interview below to try to deceive us:
The video below shows how cunning Bell Pottinger is, they cannot be trusted:
At last the Bell Pottinger scandal has air-time on UK TV news:
About Bell Pottinger and what they did (funny and informative):
COMMENT POSTED ON 2017-07-13 (UPDATED ON 2017-10-31)
"Radical Positive Transformation" progress update
For reassurance that action is being taken and that things are changing for the better I think it’s important to track the progress being made with having the Zupta’s face justice for their actions that destroyed this country.
Bell Pottinger, in their failed campaign to divide and concur SA, created the terms "White Monopoly Capital" and "Radical Economic Transformation," the term “Radical Positive Transformation” will hence forth be used
Each step towards Radical Positive Transformation will contribute to undoing the severe harm that has been done to each one of us.
Important: As of today, 26 September 2017, I will no longer be updating this post. From the trend in the articles below I’m reasonably satisfied that "Radical Positive Transformation" is being addressed and is taking place; a bit slow at times, but justice is being served. I will however continue updating the relevant posts above. After all we want to know what’s happening with the Zuma, Gupta, Eskom and Bell Pottinger investigations, amongst others.
South Africa: 180 | Corruption/State Capture: (-)157 |
News that reflects positive change/progress and that adds to the SA tally above:
Thabo Mbeki on White Monopoly Capital (WMC):
Gordhan: #GuptaLeaks confirm scale of corruption in SA:
What's happening in Zuma's South Africa? | CNBC Explains:
The EFF vs The Guptas. A Compilation Watch It All:
Keep up the pressure, well done!:
Can we repair the damage caused by the Bell Pottinger scandal?:
News that reflects negatively and that subtracts from the Corruption/State Capture tally above:
Links between Business and the Zupta's:
List of businesses with links to the Zupta's:
You are welcome to let me know if there are any other related articles not listed here.
No confidence vote: Email Baleka Mbete:
With the following tool you can send an email to Mbete indicating whether you think she should declare the vote secret or open:
Use your Chrome browser to access the tool.
News article: No confidence vote: Email Baleka Mbete
No confidence vote: secret vote e-mail tool (everything in one place):
News article: Everything you ever need to know about #GuptaLeaks in one place
COMMENT POSTED ON 2017-07-27 (UPDATED ON 2017-08-14)
CNET Infosystem another Zupta PR Firm revealed
Yes folks, a second PR firm has been connected to the Zupta’s. Thanks to the News24 team and their investigator’s CNET Infosystem located in India has been linked to several disinformation websites registered this year to promote the "white monopoly capital" (WMC) narrative.
It seems that once Bell Pottinger pulled out of the Oakbay contract, the Zupta’s hired CNET Infosystem to continue their campaign to divide and concur South Africa. Perhaps they ran their campaigns in parallel, let’s wait and see what further investigations into this matter reveal.
I certainly hope and trust that the DA and civil society groups will take legal action against CNET Infosystem as they did with Bell Pottinger. Hopefully there is a PR authority in India that will take the matter seriously and bring CNET Infosystem to book.
Kapil Garg, CNET Infosystem chief executive and co-founder
It remains to be seen whether Kapil Garg, CNET’s chief executive and co-founder, will also apologise to us and whether they will discontinue business dealings with the Zupta’s.
Victoria Geoghegan and Kapil Garg
COMMENT POSTED ON 2017-07-26 (UPDATED ON 2017-11-24)
Eskom owes us big electricity tariff reductions
OUTA recently revealed that they have evidence supporting the fact that the 2008 and 2014 load shedding introduced by Eskom was self-inflicted. Massive tariff hikes followed each cycle of load-shedding. Where did the additional money Eskom received from the tariff increases go if not to maintenance and infrastructure upgrades?
Following the GuptaLeaks it has become clear that the money was very likely used in numerous illicit business dealings between Eskom and the Zupta's and to enrich key stakeholders. Parliamentary hearings into the matter are currently being conducted.
Recently it has also been revealed that Eskom has spare generating capacity and already switched off 14 of its older coal power stations over weekends.
Will it be fair for us as civil society to demand appropriate tariff decreases or are we going to allow Eskom to pay employees the equivalent of R88 000 each in bonuses again?
SA's electricity tariffs are amongst the highest in the world.
Update since posting this comment:
In an interview on eNCA news tonight, 11 August 2017, Ted Blom of the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA) suggested that Eskom should reduce electricity tariffs by at least 50% in the medium term.
The investigation by Nersa and Outa is ongoing.
Once all is said and done we want to see electricity tariffs drastically reduced by at least 50%.
POSTED ON 2017-06-28 (UPDATED ON 2017-07-05)
Bell Pottinger locked its Twitter account on 25 June 2017 following sustained comments from SA citizens, well done ... let’s keep up the pressure. I see the contact information on the Bell Pottinger web site includes e-mail addresses. I would think that these would have been removed at the same time as the Twitter account was locked. Perhaps protesters will look into this option in the near future? I sent them an e-mail a few weeks ago and to date I have not received an acknowledgement or a reply. Funny, these guys claim to be a communications company, why don't reply to Tweets and e-mail's?
The efforts of the Zupta’s and Bell Pottinger to cause hatred and divisions amongst us by coining terms like "white monopoly capital" and "radical economic transformation" has resulted in just the opposite effect; we are standing together now more than ever before. People from all races and backgrounds are openly talking about corruption and state capture. I guess this is one positive brought on by state capture. I think the last time we were as galvanised as a nation was when we won the ’95 Rugby World Cup.
It’s good to see OUTA is about to release a plan to fight state capture ahead of Zuma no-confidence vote. I hope Gerrie Nel joins them in the fight! At least institutions like the SARB and Chamber of Mines are also putting up a fight.
Probe into Bell Pottinger underway
It’s official Bell Pottinger is being investigated for fuelling racial tension and inciting civil war in SA. The DA has lodged formal complaints against Bell Pottinger with both the UK-based Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) and the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) for allegations that they promoted racial hatred in South Africa. This is outstanding news.
Victoria Geoghegan, the wicked, contemptable person that single-handedly destroyed our country has been promoted to managing director at Bell Pottinger in recognition for her devious, evil planning and execution of a campaign to destroy our country.
Bell Pottinger Executive Victoria Geoghegan Picture: Twitter
The probe into Bell Pottinger will hopefully lead to the company’s business dealings being suspended and when found guilty of the allegations be barred, i.e. shut-down. They don’t seem at all phased with resent developments and even threw a summer party. Check out how malicious they really are.
I’ve decided to make my e-mail I sent to Bell Pottinger a couple of weeks ago public, here it is:
Subject: Deleted
From: Jean Ward (e-mail address removed)
Reply-To: Jean Ward (e-mail address removed)
Date: 2017-06-06 10:36 AM
Recent e-mail leaks have exposed your company’s interference in South Africa’s political and financial landscape. As a reputation company should you not rather be focused on you clients brand and image, which includes good ethics and governance? Why did you get involved in our politics and finances?
Inciting violence and hatred and your company’s interference in our affairs has resulted in much suffering, heartache, anxiety and widespread hatred amongst our people. This is not what Nelson Mandela had in mind for this country and neither did we when we voted for change in 1994.
Terms like “White Monopoly Capital” and “Radical Transformation” have introduced attitudes of self-righteousness and self-enrichment in some who are now taking the law into their own hands, are making unreasonable demands, committing fraud and are engaged in ever increasing corrupt business dealings. Levels of violence, thuggery and crime in our country have also increased dramatically. What is really concerning is the recent spike in violence towards women and children.
Furthermore, thanks to your interference, our economy and political landscape are now in dire-straits, we've been reduced to Junk Status, are in a technical recession and unemployment is out of control. By the way, white South African’s are suffering just as much as people from other races; most of us don’t have stashes of cash and millions in bank accounts ... we work just as hard as anyone else for what we have.
Surely at some point in time, when advising your clients in SA, you must have realized you are going too far. Do you know how many of us are suffering financially as a result of bad, malevolent and misguided decisions our government has taken based on your guidance and advice? Our future and especially the future of our children looks bleak and it’s only getting worse. It will take decades to undo the harm that has been done.
With all due respect, do the right thing and pull out of your contracts with your clients in the South African Government and certain families that have an undue influence over our politicians. With the recent leaked e-mails surely you now realize that your company’s reputation is under threat. Perhaps things just got out of control as a result of undue pressure from your clientele. If you do pull out, remember that many other companies, e.g. ABSA, First National Bank etc. have done so too; nobody will blame you if you do. Come on gents, do the right thing! Spare the poor people and the children of SA from a miserable future.
Read the article below, I’m sure you’ll agree it is scathing:
Thank you for your consideration and time.
Jean Ward
A concerned South African Citizen
POSTED ON 2017-07-20 (UPDATED ON 2017-10-31)
Thanks to the high levels of fraud and corruption from certain influential political and business leaders we are now in a recession. This sends a very negative signal to current and potential investors. How many more people are going to lose their jobs now?
Not only are we faced with state capture, junk status, the highest unemployment rate in decades, an overseas public relations company based in the UK apparently running/or tried to run our government, made-up terms like "white monopoly capital" and "radical economic transformation" in an effort to encourage hatred but recession too. Thank you so much Zupta's and now a meddling Mugabe!
Our children and the poor are now faced with a very, very bleak future. It will take decades to undo the harm caused to our people. This is not what Nelson Mandela had in mind for South Africa.
We, the normal citizens of the country from every walk of life, nationality and race, have been working so hard together to realise Madiba's vision for SA but in the background a few individuals have been breaking it down, pillaging billions which could have been used in building homes and in the provision of outstanding public services. It's such a disappointment that it has come to this. Hopefully when it all blows over we can recover and continue building a country in which we and our kids are assured a great, prosperous and happy future.
The wheels of justice have started turning. If the NPA does not do anything about the fraud and corruption I hope Gerrie Nel does. It's time for the guilty to be held accountable for their actions. I see the EFF is taking a different approach and they are laying charges with international organizations ... very smart.
The rule of nature: you reap what you sow.
Molefe, Gupta and Zuma
Keep up to date with all of the investigative findings of the leaked Gupta e-mails here: |
POSTED ON 2017-06-02
The recent downgrade of the country to junk status and the revelations of state capture have had many of us seriously concerned about our future, specifically our finances. Zuma continues to defy the sentiment of the majority of South African's and remains in power. He has become hostile and even threatening towards his own political party's leadership.
With Zuma's recent survival, yet again and the uncertainty of our economy, like many other people, I did some introspection and re-evaluated my financial situation. It was time to plan for the future and take proactive steps towards preparing for the worst. I looked at what I really need and what is just a nice to have. It was time to downscale.
First to go was life assurance, disability cover followed by downgrading from DStv Premium to Compact (if the need arises I'll cancel my DStv subscription altogether - DStv is taking advantage of us anyway. They've been implicated in price-fixing too). Thanks to the Gupta's, Zuma and his cronies and a dismal salary increase, yet again, I also decided to traded in my vehicle for a smaller, cheaper one and cut back on buying luxury items altogether and minimize eating out. This has freed up enough money to have a cushion should the economy take a nose dive, which I think it will.
On average our salaries have not kept up with inflation and as a matter of fact have decreased in value between 20% and 30%, if not more, over the past decade. At the rate things are going it's only going to get worse. Where I work we were promised, in writing, that our salaries will increase with a guaranteed 6% this year, we only got 4%. Go figure! We are currently disputing this with our top management.
It's really sad that it's come to this; let's just hope and pray that justice will be done. I wonder if the rumours that Gerrie "Bulldog" Nel might pursue the prosecution of the Zupta's is true ... be afraid, very afraid! Gerrie doesn't give up.
Advocate and Prosecutor Gerrie Nel
Many of us are concerned about our futures and financial well-being. My advice ... try to downscale. If you do, remember it's not your fault or as a result of something you've done wrong. Be a "prepper," it's become a reality. I'm sure nobody will blame you for doing so. The writing is on the wall!
Good-bye trusted buddy
Sadly I let my old friend go in favour of a smaller, cheaper vehicle in preparation for an uncertain future. I will miss my Porsche dearly, it's such a shame that our economy has deteriorated as much as it has, thanks to Zuma and the Gupta's allot of us are now faced with the stark reality of dark and uncertain times.
Anyway, I hope the next owner of my Porsche appreciates it as much as I did. I got myself a new Polo Vivo 1.6 Hatch, not as sporty and quick, but much cheaper to maintain and run. I guess I'll get used to the idea. One thing is certain, I will continue fighting against going under with our economy. Perhaps one day, who knows, we will return to better, more prosperous times.
POSTED ON 2017-05-03
With our advances in technology we are discovering more and more physical and photographic evidence that is pointing to the possibility of life on the planet Mars.
Physical Evidence
A team of US meteorite hunters from the ANSMET project discovered the first Mars meteorite known as Allan Hills 84001 (ALH84001) in Antarctica on 27 December 1984. On 6 August 1996, David McKay (working for NASA), published an article in which claims are made that the meteorite possibly contains evidence of traces of life from Mars. Many scientists dismissed the idea at the time, however recently discovered meteorites from Mars include various fossils of once living bacterium. In November 2009 a team of scientists at Johnson Space Center, including David McKay, presented an argument that since their original paper was published further evidence of the presence of abundant fossil-like structures have been discovered in other Martian meteorites.
Allan Hills 84001 (ALH84001) meteorite structures
On 4 May 2010 at a NASA conference on astrobiology, David McKay presented new evidence that proposes the highlighted object in the photograph below is a biomorph, another fossil of a once-living bacterium found in a Mars meteorite.
Biomorph Fossil found in Mars meteorite
Photographic Evidence
Surface photographs of Mars reveal that water flows on the planet’s surface at certain times in the year when conditions are right. Most scientists are of the opinion that where there’s water there’s a high likelihood of some sort of life, be it bacterium or the like.
Flowing water on Mars
Then there’s the famous and controversial photograph taken by the Curiosity Rover backward pointing camera showing what appears to be a humanoid figure working on the rover. Why did NASA only release this one photograph? Surely more photographs of the humanoid figure exist. Are they holding back on the photographs that show the figure directly? Maybe they knew what or who it was working on the rover and did not want to reveal what or who it was? Are there humans on Mars, sent there decades ago in the 60’s and 70’s under the guise of the NASA manned Moon missions or recently under a classified Black Project/s? Was this photograph released purely by accident or was it released deliberately by someone at NASA wanting the truth to be revealed, perhaps being too scared to release further information?
From February 2001 to March 2002 Gary McKinnon hacked into 16 NASA computers as well as dozens of US Army, Navy, Air Force and Department of Defence computers. He uncovered a list of officers’ names under the heading "Non-Terrestrial Officers." Are these so called "Non-Terrestrial Officers" also present on Mars?
Humanoid working on Mars Curiosity Rover
Is it possible that there is actually microbial life on Mars, maybe even human and/or humanoid life? Evidence strongly suggests that there is.
The TV documentary series Ancient Aliens, specifically Season 11 and the episode entitled “Destination Mars,” delves into this subject in detail. It also includes compelling photographs of various artefacts found on the planet’s surface.
If you are interested in the UFO/Alien phenomenon I highly recommend you watch the series, specifically Season 11 and now the newly released Season 12 which delves more into contemporary subject matter and less into Ancient Alien Theory.
Mars Opportunity rover finds mysterious doughnut-shaped rock
Scientists are puzzled by a white rock with a dark red low spot in the middle that “just plain appeared at that spot” on the planet where the rover is situated, says Steve Squyres, lead scientist of the Mars Exploration Rover mission.
Mars Opportunity rover finds mysterious doughnut-shaped rock
Two photographs taken by Opportunity 12 days apart showed only barren bedrock on mission day 3528 (in Mars time), however on day 3540, a photograph of the same area revealed a mysterious, doughnut-shaped rock (was not there before). Curious!
POSTED ON 2017-04-26
On 22 April 2017 at around 09H30 a.m. I was tuning my rig through the 11 m Band and at 27355 kHz LSB I was totally surprised to copy a radio operator from Honolulu, Hawaii. HF propagation conditions were very good with very little QSB. His radio signal strength held at a steady S5 for at least an hour. At the same time a couple of guys from the US Pacific West Coast were coming through at signal strengths between S2 and S5.
Over the past couple of evenings tuning to Gander ATC on 8891 kHz USB has also produced some curious phenomenon. The signal echo's which probably means I'm receiving the station long-and-short path; this is strange given that the T-Index is as low as it is.
Keep listening, 11 m Band openings seem to occur sporadically from time to time. The EDZ antenna is oriented towards the Pacific Ocean favouring, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, US West Coast and Hawaii and it's doing a great job!
Although designed for use on the 11 m Band, the EDZ is an excellent general purpose receiving antenna for the entire HF Band from 100 kHz to well over 30 MHz. Tonight, 27 April 2017, Hawaii HF FAX on 11088.1 kHz boomed into my QTH at S7/S9 signal levels.